Tuesday, June 19, 2007

An Outstanding Job Interview

For most of us, the job interview is an experience we both crave and dread. On the one hand, we know that the interview brings us one step closer to acquiring an employment position we desire. On the other, we know the interview could also spell disaster for our attempts if it doesn't go well. Very few, if any, people actually enjoy job interviews. Even the people who are requried to conduct them don't generally enjoy them, possibly because they remember all too well what it's like being on the other side of the desk. Being in the "hot seat" puts you under more stress, forces you to think up answers to difficult questions on the spot, and makes you second guess every word you say and movement you make. What's even worse is that most of us never learn anything about good interviewing techniques. Most high schools and colleges fail to instruct us about the ins and outs of interviews.
Instead, we get advice from all of those around us on what to do, how to act, what to say. It simply makes us more confused and stressed, which ends up causing poor interview performances. There will also be some individuals who falsely belief that a well-written resume packed with skills, experience, and education that meets or exceeds what the employer is looking for will be all that it takes to earn a job. The truth is that the resume just gets your foot in the door; it's the interview that really matters. That's why it is extremely important to understand the job interview process, so that you can ace the job interview and land the job of your dreams!

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